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Thank you for visiting our site. Below are all the ways you may contact us. (Note: If you are a New FOD Family, please complete this form instead of the one below.)

Mailing Address: PO Box 54, Okemos, MI 48805-0054

Office/Cell: 517.381.1940 [8am-8pm EST everyday]
Fax: 866.290.5206

Thanks for submitting!

Deb Lee Gould, MEd 
Director, FOD Family Support Group 
MCAD Parent and Grief Consultant

Deb’s FOD Group Email:
[backup address:]

Deb’s Grief Consulting Email:

Please add my email addresses to your Safe List so I am able to receive/send to you.

Local Michigan non-denominational One-on-One Grief Support Consultations for Bereaved Parents [brochure]: We have expanded our Mission to offer support to parents (and other adult family members) living with the death of a child of any age and from any cause, not just our disorders.

No fees are charged.

Those looking for extra grief support in the East Lansing, MI area ~ refer to


New Office:

3899 Okemos Rd A1

Okemos, MI 48864

[FOD Families: I use Zoom to call Canada and overseas to landlines or I can Facetime using an iPhone or  mac computer ~ so please leave your number on the Group Registration form and a good time to call (your time). Because of time changes it could take me awhile to connect with you. 

Webmaster Email: Mary

FOD Group’s policy on unprofessional online/offline behavior

This is a reminder to everyone of where I/Deb and the FOD Group stand on unprofessional and unethical personal and professional behavior [as stated on Facebook]

Deb and/or the FOD Group will not compromise the integrity or reputation of the FOD Group by engaging with individuals or organizations that participate in any form of personal or public cyber-bullying, spreading of rumors, threatening lawsuits, or verbally attacking other individuals or organizations. We strive to maintain respectful and professional behavior via our personal and public online presence.

Although we no longer print and mail our newsletter due to high costs, we would still like to maintain a database of new Families and Professionals for networking purposes so please Register with the Group. Please note that all of our past newsletters are already on our site.

If you would like to Register for our Group (free of charge – and also required if you want to sign up for the Email List), or if you have a question or comment, please fill out and submit the registration form and we will respond as soon as possible. I (Deb) like to call new Families (in the US and Overseas) so please be sure to include your phone number. Also, if you have an email filter make sure you add my email addresses to your ‘approved’ addresses so I can contact you.

I have tried to email new members in other countries (i.e. India, England) and have not been able to get through ~ the emails are returned to me as undeliverable. So if you are from another country other than the US (or have a server like earthlink that has a safe address filter) , please KNOW that I have tried to email you but your server has blocked my message for some reason. If it’s possible, try opening a free gmail, hotmail, or yahoo address and then contact me or sign up for the Email List with that address. Also add my email address(es) to your safe list.

Please also be aware that Registering for our Group below is a Separate Form than signing up for our Email List (see Join Our Email List for more information).

While you are waiting to be activated for the List, please read this past Editorial about some major concerns our Families have experienced during the process of being screened and/or diagnosed (ie., being told their child has a ‘mild’ case, how Families are told a screen is positive, etc.) These are concerns that really need to be addressed and not dismissed.

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